E-Myth Book

The One Book Every Business Owner Should Read

August 15, 20244 min read

“If your business depends on you, you don’t own a business—you have a job. And it’s the worst job in the world because you’re working for a lunatic!”
Michael E. Gerber, The E-Myth Revisited: Why Most Small Businesses Don't Work and What to Do About It

The One Book Every Business Owner Should Read: My Top 20 Game-Changing Insights

The E-myth Revisited Book

Many people dream of starting their own business, hoping to break free from being an employee and step into the role of an employer. However, achieving this dream is not as straightforward as it seems.


In Michael E. Gerber’s book, The E-Myth Revisited: Why Most Small Businesses Don’t Work and What to Do About It, we discover valuable insights on how to pursue the entrepreneurial dream.

Building a successful business is challenging, but with the right mindset, it is definitely achievable. 

Here are 20 key lessons to consider when transforming your small business into something remarkable:

1. You Are Three Roles in One – For Now 

Starting a business means juggling multiple roles: entrepreneur, technician, and manager. Gerber emphasizes that the entrepreneur role must take priority. Without vision and direction, the other roles won’t be effective.

2. It’s Not Just About the Product – It’s How You Deliver It

Every customer values excellent service. Focus on providing a great experience, and your product will attract more customers.

3. Your Business Should Enhance Your Life, Not Control It

Design your business model with your own well-being in mind. Gerber stresses that entrepreneurs shouldn’t feel trapped by their business.

4. Ordinary People Can Achieve Great Things 

Anyone can build a successful business by putting in hard work and following best practices 

5. Consistency is Crucial for Good Service

Strive for consistency in your offerings. When customers know they can expect quality service every time, they’re more likely to return.

6. Great People Shape Their Own Lives

Take charge of your circumstances instead of letting them dictate your life or business. Make deliberate choices that lead to your desired outcomes.

7. We Are Capable of Amazing Things – Including Running a Business

Humanity has accomplished incredible feats, like landing on the moon. We all have the potential to successfully run a business.

8. Marketing is About Understanding Customer Needs

While it’s your business, it’s essential to focus on what your customers want. Cater to their desires rather than trying to convince them of your ideas.

9. Customer Perception is Reality

Go beyond the notion that "the customer is always right." Understand their values, needs, and desires, and provide products that meet those expectations.

10. Marketing Means Making Unique Guarantees

To attract customers, take calculated risks that set you apart. Ensure you consistently deliver on those unique promises.

11. Focus on Systems, Not Individual Performance

Create replicable workflows and processes rather than relying solely on individual contributions. This ties back to the balance of roles within your business

12. Know Your Business Inside and Out

Avoid getting bogged down in the details of production. Maintain a broad perspective on what your business truly is.

13. Build with Scalability in Mind

Visualize your business at its peak potential and design your plans accordingly. Don’t limit yourself to short-term thinking.

14. Keep an Eye on the Long-Term Vision

Define what your business will look like in the future and ensure that all your decisions align with that vision.

15. Incorporate Others into Your Processes

Once you’ve established replicable systems, bring others into key roles to help your business grow.

16. You Are in Control

You have the vision and the authority to set goals for your business. Your vision will ultimately shape its success or failure.

17. Ask How It Will Work

Successful entrepreneurs focus on how to make things work, while less successful ones often ask what they can do instead.

18. Develop Your Own Principles

While it’s beneficial to learn from successful models, strive to innovate and create something unique that resonates with customers.

19. Aim to Make Everyone Happy

It’s possible to create a positive environment for everyone involved, from customers to staff.

20. Work ON Your Business, Not IN It

Initially, you’ll wear many hats, but your ultimate goal should be to focus on the vision and direction of your business rather than getting caught up in daily tasks.

These lessons from Michael E. Gerber’s The E-Myth Revisited offer valuable guidance for anyone looking to build a successful small business. Embrace these insights to help you navigate the entrepreneurial journey!

Tony has more than two decades of experience owning restaurants and working in the hospitality industry. Focussing on marketing he shares his passion by offering strategies and lessons to help small business owners grow.

Tony Nikas

Tony has more than two decades of experience owning restaurants and working in the hospitality industry. Focussing on marketing he shares his passion by offering strategies and lessons to help small business owners grow.

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